
The biosourced village, circular economy, reuse

Enerj-meeting, in partnership with the French Institute for Building Performance (IFPEB) deciphers the keys to decarbonization of the building sector.

The future RE2020 environmental regulations for new construction will aim to meet the sustainability requirements of the ecological transition. Biosourced and geosourced materials are key levers for decarbonization, and offer interesting technical characteristics (insulating properties, for example). But what role will they play in construction by 2050 ? What will be the challenges in terms of availability ? Which processes and products are already mature enough to be deployed on a large scale ?

The hub of low-carbon prescribers deciphers biosourced products

The low-carbon specifiers'hub is a collaborative platform run by the IFPEB in partnership with Carbone 4, aimed at principals in the construction sector (property owners, investors, developers, general contractors, etc.). The initiative aims to share best practices and provide members with all the operational tools they need to prescribe low-carbon solutions. After a detailed study at the end of 2020 on the levers for decarbonizing concrete, the hub recently carried out an in-depth study on biobased products, analyzing the challenges of carbon accounting and drawing up an objective overview of biobased sectors, their decarbonization potential and available best practices. The Low Carbon Prescribers Hub will be present at the show to share the key messages of these studies.


In partnership with the IFPEB, EnerJ-meeting will be highlighting decarbonization solutions for the industry. The Biobased Village will feature a selection of biobased innovations and services.

The Biosourced Village will be an excellent way of showing off the panorama of available solutions and the work of the low-carbon specifiers' hub.
