
Visitor and Networking

3 000

Professionals in attendance on the big day

11 400


Type of visitors

Type Visitors
Engineering 30 %
Architects 30 %
Local authorities 17 %
Promoters 14 %
Project Owners 9 %

Visitors by region

Région Visitors
Île-de-France 79 %
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes 7 %
Hauts-de-France 6 %
Est 5%
Others 3 %

Satisfaction surveys

Visitors :
"Will you come back in 2024 ?"

90 %

Exhibitors :
"Overall satisfaction with EnerJ-meeting 2023"

96 %

The EnerJ-meeting website

100 000 Visits

290 000 Pagesviews

Between April 1, 2022 and February 10, 2023